Friday, 6 July 2012

the power of the dress

Dresses are fantasy clothes. Dresses can be anything, they can be sophisticated, sweet or sexy and sometimes all three at once. Being into vintage fashion means that I am surrounded by pictures of beautiful dresses.

But the thing that confuses me is that I never wear any. I can tell you that the last time I wore a dress was on Christmas day. I am a determinedly separates kind of a girl. I live in blouses and skirts. Sometimes I will change that up a little bit by wearing my Heyday! trousers but that's so absurdly rare that I might as well state than I live entirely in skirts. But whilst I love doing that, I do feel like I miss out a little. Dresses are easier to wear, I think, simpler and, generally speaking, more flattering. But my problem is that I feel a little like they're not worth the amount of money they are. For an outfit to be good value for money, it has to be versatile. And, to be honest, dresses aren't very often. I love the feeling of being able to mix and match my clothing. And that doesn't really work with dresses. Which is why I only own one day dress, two cocktail dresses and an evening gown. Two of those I've never worn. Ever.

I really need to change this. I want to set myself a challenge of some kind to try and make/buy more dresses. I'm not sure how to do this to be honest because I'm very stuck in my ways (for instance, check out my Pinterest and you'll see that, although I am sometimes attracted to dresses, separates make up the bulk of my clothing lust!) and vintage dresses are WAY more expensive than vintage separates (obviously you would expect that but a vintage skirt + blouse are nowhere near as expensive as a dress). I guess I shall just have to dig into my pattern stash and make some really cute dresses from there. I do have one dress on the back-burner (it went terribly wrong so I don't want to even look at it) and I'm going to try and finish that soon as there are only so many weeks left of summer!

How about you? Do you mostly wear separates? Or are you able to wear dresses? And do you find that you can find multiple ways to style a dress? If so, please let me know! I'm so hopeless.

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