And of course this, like the 1939 classic, has wonderful costumes!

In the opening scene we have the Glenn Miller Orchestra playing People Like You and Me. The adorable Marion Hutton is singing (with the Modernaires and my favourite, Tex Beneke) and I love her hair and outfit! She's filled with so much pep. In the last shot, you can see the buttons on her slacks. So cute!

In walks Lynn Bari, dripping with glamour and worldly wisdom. She's covered in so many spangles that she positively glitters. You get the feeling that anyone this sophisticated can't be a good character.

Then we have Bari's antithesis in the form of Ann Rutherford, one of the most adorable creatures to ever grace the silver screen. She's charming and very much the all-American girl in her white ric-rac trimmed dress.

Next up she wears a sweet dropped waist dress.

Whilst Lynn Bari is again glamorous and sparkly in the same scene. I love the matching flowers on her dress and in her hair. So sparkly!

In the next few scenes, we meet the rest of the orchestra wives. They are all outrageously glamorous, absurdly so, especially the wonderful Carole Landis. Lynn Bari is again thrown into the mix and, next to them, she looks positively sedate, although incredibly stylish.

Yet again, we have more absurd glamour as the ladies ready themselves for bed (Carole Landis' outfit again is incredible - she's wearing incredible wide legged culotte trousers with that bolero!) and Ann Rutherford is lent a lovely little nightgown.

More of the girls. Although Ann Rutherford is now wearing something slightly more grown up, she's still in much simpler attire than the others, who are ridiculously overdressed for a card game.

Lynn Bari again, in another magnificent gown. By the way, she is dubbed by Pat Friday in this film and Pat's singing is just sublime.

For a scene or so, everybody is in their night attire. Looking amazing. Just look at Carole Landis again!

Ann, meanwhile, is wearing a sweet little dress with matching hat and gloves. Darling!

Cut scene and she's now wearing probably my favourite outfit of the lot, this polka dot full-length playsuit. The other girls hang around in fancy negligees, as is their wont.

Here she is back in her hometown with all her old friends, but she seems rather out of place now in her twinset and pearls. I think she's jaw droppingly beautiful here!

Then we have the penultimate scene in which Marion Hutton finally reappears! Yey! She looks so adorable. And check out that turban on Mary Beth Hughes! Also, Cesar Romero has far more chemistry with Ann than did the fella who was playing her husband but never mind.

Gratuitous Marion Hutton spam! Her dress is lovely though.

Ann reappears in chiffon and lace, all smiles for a happy ending!

And for a bonus, here are a couple of shots of the guys. They're definitely stylish in this film! Real zoots.

I really enjoyed that movie. I took way to many screen shots of the outfits and hair styles, though. They are all so beautiful I just could not help it!